I can't really describe how this little guy has changed our lives. Of course, I can only speak for myself. There was a time in my life when goals and advancement were much more important. Then came Jacob. My number one goal in life now is to maximize my time with him.
He says "cheese" and "Please" and a number of other words that he speaks with varrying frequency. I hope you enjoy these photos of our little guy.
What a flirt. The shirt says it all!
Jacob with Dad
By the way... he can climb!
NOTES: I have tried a few times to post a short video of Jacob at the park, but so far cannot get Blogger to upload the video. I'll have to play with that some more.
OTHER NOTES: I am now half-way through "Fiasco." Just like Seth, who posted on my first Iraq post, I am at a loss for words to see just how badly this military campaign was bungled. Unlike the political books I've read to this point (like "State of Denial") this one goes through the nuts and bolts failures of implementation. What a read. I recommend it strongly, but make sure you are ready for outrage.