Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Final Countdown

I actually look forward to November 5, 2008. One way or the other, the election will be over (hopefully), and my life will go back to normal. This will be one less thing to juggle.

Election years are always a bit prickly. Even more so when you are involved deeply in a campaign. We all tend to lose our objectivity a little, but the beliefs are genuinely held. I know I've gotten into my share of arguments, especially over the dangerous and misleading e-mails circulating. My policy has been to respond to every one I receive and I have done so. But, once the election is over, it's time to rally together.

I will be volunteering on Saturday and again on Election Day. After that, it will all be over. So I asked myself, what do I want to do when it's over? My routine will be all out of whack, that's for sure. No more obsessive checking of polls, political talk shows or review of new advertisements hitting the airwaves.

I am very happy to have been involved in the political process and I would make the same decision all over again. If Obama loses, I will never do this again, but it's been great to be a small volunteer part of a large operation.

My time is going to include a LOT more Jen and Jacob time. I will get back on my 24-book challenge pace (still working on "Bearing the Cross"). Blood pressure will return to normal. Most important, I will be able to devote more time to my family, both immediate and removed.

Most important, however, will be the latter. I must tend to some family matters. My mom had both of her knees replaced, which has already proven to be a blessing for her. It was a very difficult surgery and the rehab will continue for the foreseeable future. We have all been trying our best to help her, and we will continue to do so. Now that the worst is over, it has been great to watch her mobility improve and her spirits rise.

My grandmother has also been very sick. She is in the fight of her life and we are all very worried about her.

All of these family issues are ultimately most important. The juggling has not been easy, so I will be glad when the election is over. But, I'm sure I will also miss the distraction it has given me.

I think my next long post may have to be about the surreal experience of turning from a visitor at my own family reunions while living on the other side of the nation to being intimately involved in family goings-on and crisis management. It's been a paradigm shift without a clutch.

Any thoughts or prayers for my grandmother and my mother are appreciated.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ants Marching

The article I linked here states as follows:

While Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado are still officially listed as McCain target states, two top strategists and advisers tell CNN that the situation in those states looks increasingly bleak. Iowa and New Mexico always have been viewed as difficult races, but the similar assessment of Colorado reflects a dramatic shift for a campaign that had long counted on the state.

"Gone," was the word one top McCain insider used to describe those three states.
This source said while the polls in Colorado remain close, he and most others in the operation were of the opinion that the Obama campaign and its allies have a far superior ground/turnout operation and "most of us have a hard time counting on Colorado." (emphasis added)

The Fuzz, Baggs and I have been knocking on doors, making phone calls and generally pushing the Colorado campaign by taking our places in the long line of ants marching for change all across the state. Indeed, the Obama campaign has ants like us marching all across the country.

We are enthusiastic, motivated, energized and we can FEEL it. Reading this article made me smile today because when enough of us little ants combine forces, we can move mountains.

This article represented acknowledgment by the McCain campaign that our efforts have been effective. We have made a difference.

Now, more than 3 million individuals have contributed an average of $86.00 each to produce the most formidable campaign treasure chest in US political history. That treasure has been matched by sweat and shoe-leather to produce a grass-roots movement to the White House.

Still, this is no time to let up. I will be canvassing each weekend and working the entire day as a staging location coordinator on election day. We will not be denied!

Friday, October 17, 2008

B.S. delivered to my answering machine

I received the following robo-call yesterday.

"Hello. I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because you need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the pentagon, a judge's home and killed Americans. And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington. Barack Obama and his Democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country. This call was paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee."

Now... I hardly know where to start. First off, I don't want that crap on my answering machine. It's a distraction issue, a wedge issue and a distortion. Anyone who pays attention knows why this "association" is a complete non-issue. But, the point I want to make is that this illustrates exactly what it looks like when a party is completely out of ideas.

I have been making phone calls and knocking on doors for the Obama campaign and our instructions are to emphasize the positive. If allowed to engage in conversation we are asked to relay a personal story of ours in the context of Obama's policies. My story is about my mom and my son. I talk about how my mom has been failed by our health care system and had to wait four years to have her knees replaced and now has a bowed femur as a result of a "pre-existing condition." I talk about how my son deserves to have a chance at an education. I talk about how Jacob's generation doesn't deserve to have to pay down George W. Bush's debt and that we need to reign in the budget. I also talk about how we need to reject the immoral policy of pre-emption and torture in our nation because I don't want Jacob sent into an unnecessary war or to be the victim of retaliation torture. Although the next president won't have Jacob to throw into a war, the very idea of pre-emption must end, and this is a step in that direction.

What do the Republicans offer? Associations. Accusations. Angry Mobs. Cries of anti-Americanism. Robo-smear calls. Rallies that apparently include torches and pitch-forks at the gate. I have also received the kinds of e-mails that give me chills.

Why is that all they offer? Because the party is out of ideas. For six years, they held all levers of government, and have held the presidency and it's veto pen for eight years. Only two of those years did the run-away train have a brake. We have been in a political standstill for two years while Democrats get vetoed into oblivion and Bush gets stonewalled. All will remain frozen until we have a new president.

The campaign has gotten negative. There is no doubt about it. And both sides have done some things they wish they could have back. But, only one side has displayed ugliness that could actually inspire violence.

When people in a crowd shout "terrorist," or "kill him," or "off with his head," or "treason," a speaker has an obligation to stop and set the record straight. McCain has done that, but Palin has not. It is disgusting.

This robo-call is just another attempt to whip up the emotions and fears of the populace. Look at the focus. Bill Ayers. Leftists. They aren't dumb enough to outright say communist like Senator McCarthy back in the 50s, but the same fear triggers are being pulled.

The RNC called tonight to talk to Jen and ask if they could count on her support. Her answer was just "no."

It's time to say no to appeals to fear. Ever since I announced on this blog that I would support Barack Obama, I said it's time to reject fear and embrace hope. The polls indicate that, by and large, the people are not convinced that a Kevin-Bacon-like association matters one bit when the 401K statement comes in the mail.

I respond to every hate-e-mail I receive and I always will. I am not shy about engaging anyone who wants to make these appeals to fear. In fact, as we get closer to the election, I'm almost looking for a fight.

It won't work this time!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Time for Jacob Pictures

It's been awhile since I posted some cool Jacob pics. Enjoy!

Jacob and Mom

Jacob and Dad

Wearing Mom's boots

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Voted

I don't get a sticker this year, but I don't have to stand in line either. I received my ballot a day or so ago and I took time to read up on the issues. I talked through the issues with Jen and voted via mail-in ballot this evening.

It feels good.

This is my first time using the mail-in ballot, and I don't think I will do it any other way again. It's really the way to go.

We are lucky in this nation that we have the right to vote and I encourage everyone to do his or her duty by being an informed voter.

Now I'm free to drive people to the polls, volunteer for the last-minute push and become a zombie as the returns come in on November 4. Our moment is now.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Random thoughts

... Jacob has begun saying "John McCain hurt eye." When he was 1, he tried to look into a shampoo bottle and got it in his eye. He cried and said "Shampoo acky, hurt eye." To communicate danger, we sometimes say things like "no cord, hurt eye." On his own, probably because we talk politics around here a lot, he has started saying "John McCain, hurt eye." He pays attention, I guess.

... Yet more Wall Street problems. What's the difference between a totally free market and trickle-down economics? Nothing. They are both fabrications of the mind with no basis in the real world. What a scam. Think about this for a minute. Rich people convinced us that if we make them even more wealthy, they would actually give some of that back! Hilarious! Yet all those golden parachutes keep opening like clockwork. (I just got an image of Bill Gates re-paving my street).

... I went canvassing this weekend. Knocked on 60+ doors. No luck on most of the first half, but I actually think we made a small impact on the second half. This is how elections are won... with boots on the ground.

... My mom's birthday was today and we took her out to dinner. She will get her knees replaced in one week. Keep her in your thoughts. It'll be a long road back to health for her, but she really needs this done.

... Gotta love sports. The Broncos are a fun team to watch on offense. I have proper expectations based on their crappy defense, so I get to enjoy the fireworks with no need to fret over long playoff runs. Time to enjoy gaudy statistics! CU still looks a year away and Virginia is rebuilding, so my focus is on the NFL this time around.

... On the schadenfreude side of sports, Nebraska got beat 52-17 at home, which always makes me smile. If that wasn't enough, the Cubs lost 3-games-to-none in the first round of the playoffs when expectations were just crazy considering history. All of my friends and I take a sick joy in pain felt by each other in sports. I don't think anything tops the heartbreak the Northsiders inflict on their fans, though. It never gets old.

... I'm currently reading "Bearing the Cross," and it's a great book. I think I'm going to finish my 24-book challenge with "Angels and Demons," "The Da Vinci Code" and "Stranger in a Strange land." Next year Book and I will start out with "Southern Storm" about General Sherman's decimation of much of the South. Book and I have a morbid fascination of "drunk uncle Billy" (If you see a picture of him, you'll know why we call him that) and his rampage through Georgia.

... I keep getting calls at my office from homeowners who are desperate to avoid foreclosure and it's heartbreaking. They are all upside-down on their homes and facing financial ruin. I really feel for them. Although there is little I can actually do for them most of the time, I always try to point them toward some (hopefully) helpful options. Times are tough and people are absolutely feeling it. My phone is a testament to that.