Saturday, November 14, 2009


... Basketball season is here. The Nuggets are looking good early and I'm gearing up for the NBA season. I just finished reading The Book of Basketball by Bill Simmons to get me all pumped for the season. I enjoyed the book thoroughly. Book and I are going to go to Denver on November 20 to have our books signed by Simmons. It should be fun. The book was very funny and interesting to boot.

... I had the unique opportunity to hear from my representative from congress about her health care vote. The experience just illustrated to me unmistakably that pulling Democrats together is like herding cats. The gathering was fairly small, but I know many people who were disillusioned by the no vote she cast in the recent House vote for health care reform. I could go deep into this topic, but I'll save it for another time. Apparently Democrats require 90% of seats in any legislative body to comfortably pass anything. To say I am frustrated would be an understatement.

... Jacob went trick-or-treating as Handy Manny. We did not like the "insta-costume" available from Disney. It was really bad. So, we just constructed our own concoction to make him into Handy Manny. Construction hat, tool belt, jeans, tools, brown shoes, green shirt, yellow gloves and he was Handy Manny. See pictures below: