On this Thanksgiving, I would like to give a special thanks to my Grandmother, D. Ruth McCarthy (seen above at he introduction to Jacob).
She is on our minds today because this will surely be her final Thanksgiving if not her final days. She has been battling a rather aggressive cancer for the past nine months and her days have turned, unfortunately, less and less comfortable.
She and my mom have always been the most sweet and loving people I've known in my life. She has 6 children, 14 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren, and she has made a positive, loving and meaningful impact on all 40 of us. She exudes a caring spirit dispenses only sage advice and unconditional love.
It was just a few months ago that she saw my office for the first time. My mom brought grandma over on a whim. I happened do be free at the time and was delighted to have her see my office. I was very moved by how much it meant to her to see my office. She smiled joyfully and clasped her hands in front of her as she gazed around. She still has a talent for making us all feel special.
Last weekend, while we were on our way to do some Christmas shopping, Jacob voiced his preference from the back seat. "Go see gramma Roo-s?" he asked. We altered our course and had a nice visit. It appears that Jacob was on to something because that day was one of the very few comfortable days she has had since. As we said our good-byes, Jacob offered his head to her for a good-bye kiss.
We are all just so grateful to have her influence, her love and her support in our lives. She will be in our thoughts and the focus of our thanks on this Thanksgiving.