Big and important things are happening at home and in life. I had a great weekend that led to a call to action.
I had a nice weekend with Jacob while Jen went camping with her family. She got a break, I got some Jacob time. We played and had a good time. Chris was in town and we grilled and video-gamed like the old days.
While he was here, Chris (the cloth) got engaged in Rocky Mountain National Park. Before that grand event, the Fuzz, the Book, the Cloth and I won the World Cup with China on Wold Cup 2006 for the PS2. I'm not certain which event made Chris more happy. Ok that's a joke, but it was probably closer than you'd think. We celebrated like we won the Super Bowl and loved every bit of it. We had a gathering and met the future Mrs. Cloth and all was well last weekend.
Once playtime was over, however, it was time for me to get to make good on a pledge I made. I decided to take a more active roll in the Obama campaign. Part of the reason is that I had resolved to do that. The other part is that I can be bought for DNC speech tickets. The campaign allows for "all-star" seating for those who pledge to volunteer for two shifts on behalf of the campaign before August 14. This ingenious plan just bought the campaign a large number of free work hours to further distance Obama's lead over McCain in organization and enthusiasm.
Tonight, I registered my first shift. I made 73 phone calls at a phone bank. It was fun. The people are a tight-knit group and it was surprisingly easy and fun to talk to strangers on the phone, especially when they showed enthusiasm for the campaign.

Next up, I will register voters in town at the Sculpture Show here in town. That will make two shifts, and a shot at DNC speech tickets. But, thing is, I won't stop working. Although attendance at the speech will be one of the highlights of my life, it's not my only motivation.
There are 90 days until the election and this is important enough to fight for. I live in a swing state (for once) and can't wait to help tip the balance. When I doubt whether I have the time, I think of Jacob. Our current course will lead to "public" schools and universities priced like private schools (and thus less available to middle class folks like us). Climate change is something Jacob's generation will have to deal with in a way we don't understand now unless something changes.
Sometimes you have to just take the plunge. Sometimes it's all worth it. I don't want to wake up on November 5, 2008 wondering if I could have done anything more. I have signed up to be a leader of a team locally and it involves time commitment.
For Barack Obama, for Jacob and for the good of our country, I will do this. But, we all need to do our part in other ways as well.
I no longer come home from work for lunch to save on the emissions from the car. That saves 10 miles a day. 50 miles a week. It's a smaller carbon footprint, even if slightly so. Jen signed us up to purchase wind-generated power from out of state. We pay a small extra fee, but our house no longer pulls from a generator that burns coal. These are very small steps, but steps nonetheless.
My phone calls are a small step. But I'm not alone, and we recruited more volunteers tonight. The world becomes a better place when we work for it. I don't know if my efforts will dent anything, but it makes me feel good that I'm not the only one pushing for change.
Anyone who wants to volunteer can contact me and help influence the world through local action. Just post a comment here or give me a call. I'm in recruitment mode.
It's time to put up or shut up.