Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Will and Grace

The following post is in three parts and was conceived from thoughts I've had during a boring seminar, a discussion of Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography with friends and a personal contemplation.

So many of our most revered historical figures disappoint in heartbreaking ways.  No matter which founding father, noble ruler or trailblazer a person chooses to honor, every one of them will fall short of Superman.  It can be a perplexing thing to discover those faults, but inevitable.

The question that led to all of this:  How would William Franklin feel about his father and should it matter?  The answer that gives me peace is Grace and it surprises even me.  Yet, without Grace, I don't think I could keep Benjamin Franklin as a hero.

SEMINAR (on yellow lined paper)

I am listening to a listing of credentials in a seminar where people like to pat each other on the back.

Is this what life is supposed to be?

When I referenced BBQ's with doctors in a previous post, I imagined these stuffy gatherings to be akin to an intellectual buffet.  More like a trough of .... never mind.

I am now eating an apple and you would think I rang a gong.  That's not to say no one is surfing the Internet, just that the herd must scoff and, well... here I am.

I continue to eat my apple, but louder now.