... I went to the Nuggets' playoff game five last week and sat three rows from the court with Book. We watched the Nuggets scrap for a victory, but unfortunately they succumbed to the Jazz in game 6. I hate early ends to an NBA playoff run.
I was not, however, surprised that they lost game 6. That's because I got to see up close just how banged up that team was. Birdman could barely walk up and down the court and K-Mart was favoring a knee pretty significantly. We also got to watch Nene go down with a sprain.
We also got to watch acting-zombie-coach Adrian Dantley prove you can actually sleepwalk through a playoff series. It's true!
So bitter.
... My cousin Anna's wedding was a lot of fun, and Jacob danced like a kid possessed in front of everyone. He was even sliding on his knees like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. Of course, he had just come from a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheeses, so he had sugar to burn.
... I've read 16 books so far and have 8 more to go. My pace will slow because I'm going to tackle some really long ones.
... I've been sick with a cough for about two weeks, meaning no exercycle for me, which stinks. I can't hardly go up stairs without coughing and I'm tired of it.
... I hit a bit of a lag on my short story, but I have gotten feedback from several folks, so I have no excuse. I will try hard to get that draft done soon.
... Mad Men is an awesome show and I'm tearing through it.
... I was reminded tonight just how many people love to rain on parades. The trick is to not let them ruin it. I think a show of joy in spite of rain is the perfect way to get back at them.