The article I linked here states as follows:
While Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado are still officially listed as McCain target states, two top strategists and advisers tell CNN that the situation in those states looks increasingly bleak. Iowa and New Mexico always have been viewed as difficult races, but the similar assessment of Colorado reflects a dramatic shift for a campaign that had long counted on the state.
"Gone," was the word one top McCain insider used to describe those three states.
This source said while the polls in Colorado remain close, he and most others in the operation were of the opinion that the Obama campaign and its allies have a far superior ground/turnout operation and "most of us have a hard time counting on Colorado." (emphasis added)
The Fuzz, Baggs and I have been knocking on doors, making phone calls and generally pushing the Colorado campaign by taking our places in the long line of ants marching for change all across the state. Indeed, the Obama campaign has ants like us marching all across the country.
We are enthusiastic, motivated, energized and we can FEEL it. Reading this article made me smile today because when enough of us little ants combine forces, we can move mountains.
This article represented acknowledgment by the McCain campaign that our efforts have been effective. We have made a difference.
Now, more than 3 million individuals have contributed an average of $86.00 each to produce the most formidable campaign treasure chest in US political history. That treasure has been matched by sweat and shoe-leather to produce a grass-roots movement to the White House.
Still, this is no time to let up. I will be canvassing each weekend and working the entire day as a staging location coordinator on election day. We will not be denied!