Tomorrow will be Jacob's second attempt at beginning preschool.
When his short-lived, three-day experiment fizzled with tears and distress six months ago, we decided to try again when he turned three. This time, we decided, he would be ready.
We set up regularly-scheduled days with grandma so he would be used to being away from home. We also talked up school and showed him videos from the school's website. We even took him to the school gate after hours to discuss the upcoming school session. Finally, he is now toilet trained, so that should also help.
On Friday, he went through his second "orientation," which serves as both an introduction to the school for Jacob and a test of his temperament to determine whether he really is ready.
The last "orientation" (in September) was a nightmare. He absolutely ignored instruction from the teachers, took toys out without putting them away and even tried to eat the play-doh (the latter of which stunned us at the time because he really had gotten past putting things in his mouth at home). In retrospect, that was our fault. He had never been watched by anyone but us, and we were all of a sudden ditching him to strangers for entire days. In hindsight, not well thought out.
This time around was different. He listened to instruction, did not seem to notice that we were not in the room when the teacher pulled him aside for some instruction and even communicated effectively. We peeked in to see him pull out his "play mat," work on a puzzle, put the puzzle away and then put the mat away. He surprised even us.
This particular school is a bit on the strict side, so who knows how he will do for entire days at a time and how much staying power his attention span will have, but we are at least filled with hopes of success this time around.
And, because Jen will have to drive to work every day starting very soon, it is going to have to work this time. So, we are looking forward to Jacob's second venture into schooling.
We jokingly refer to his first go-around as his "expulsion" from school (a joke apparently only funny to me and Jen), and I have a hard time imagining success based on how terribly things went last time. Still, seeing is believing and we have managed to become optimistic. (shocking, I know).
Sunday, April 5, 2009
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