I am starting to feel like the only content citizen these days. I'm certain that I'm not, but like-minded folks are either hard to find or stay quiet at home.
I'm very happy that the 2010 election is over. I'm not overly upset with the results, but I am annoyed by all the chatter, as usual. Of course, none of it surprises me. It's just part of the cycle. I'm hearing apocalyptic rantings from the right, incessant whining from the left and "disappointment" from the middle. But, here's the rub: I have received pretty much exactly what I hoped for when I cast my vote for Barrack Obama and his agenda. Below, I explain why.
To steal a quote from Louis C.K., "Everything is amazing, and no one is happy."
While things aren't "amazing" with the economy, things are better and the man who won the 2008 election has been working through his list just as promised. I know the rhetoric was sweeping, but I certainly hope I wasn't the only one who expected the results to be merely realistic.
It has been reformed in a major way. Was it the wholesale changes the left wanted? No. Did it constitute a literal non-action as desired by the right? No. Was it a compromise? Yes. Was it watered down? Yes. Did it go far enough? No. It never does. our system does not allow it to.
Did it pass? YES. By THREE votes in the House on a reconciliation vote.
That should tell us something. That should tell us that it was not a slam dunk and no one had the power to force the magic number of votes. This wasn't imposed, it wasn't shoved down any throats and it wasn't a shuffling of deck chairs. It was reform born of compromise. Unfortunately, the best settlements leave both sides upset. That's life.
It's also exactly how the system was designed to work. So spare me the talk of our "broken" system. It functions exactly how it was meant to: Slowly, maddeningly, deliberately and with all the runaway momentum of a milkshake through a stirring straw.
Does that make reform either a tyrannical abomination or a weak cop-out and betrayal to legitimate reform? No.
I am as annoyed by those who bitch that it didn't have a public option as those who call it socialist. Why? Because neither sides seems able to understand that IT NEVER WORKS ANY OTHER WAY. A public option would have failed by 100 votes. So, stop it.
Republicans chose not to participate, which made this whole process less satisfying, but that was their choice and success followed anyway. We can't pretend Republicans don't exist any more than we can pretend all Dems would have voted for a public option.
Did everyone forget that this war is over? It's done now. We're staying, yes. But we've stayed everywhere we've ever fought. We don't build "temporary bases." That's life in a geopolitical world, but the war part of it is over and we can move on.
Thank you, Mr. President, for ending the war responsibly. Why does no one talk about this? Big accomplishment.
We have job growth. Is it enough? No, but tell me what would have done it quicker (and don't say tax cuts alone). Reforms were added for Wall Street and banking. Was it enough? No. But, again, it never is. Remember when I explained how the system works above. This should no longer surprise anyone.
But, this slow process seems to shock people to outrage every single year, with every administration and every election. The minority thanks it for slowing "the march to socialism/aristocracy" and then rails against it when it slows that party's march toward its goals.
The economy still stinks, but I think we all knew this wasn't going to be easy and I support the measures that were taken to stop a deeper fall and get things on the road to improvement. We have less actual control than we think and are, to a degree, along for the ride. Reforms are like steering a runaway car away from obstacles... it doesn't actually stop the car. Still, its worth swerving even if we have to weather the storm.
This war is now in its 10th year or so. Afghanistan seems to be one of the most difficult and complicated scenarios we have faced since Vietnam. There are very few satisfying options for ending this conflict.
I supported this war when it was started because it involved a direct response to a direct attack. It led to the removal of a regime that openly sheltered, supported and strengthened organizations that have attacked our nation multiple times. Removal was justified.
President Obama was charged with the responsibility to help end this most difficult of conflicts now that we are faced with ending it responsibly. Much like Iraq, this is not a simple task. I'm not willing to express too strong a position one way or the other, but I trust the President's thinking, philosophy and judgment to do what is right in a difficult situation.
I wish him and our troops the best. I try not to spout too many platitudes or proclamations that might over-simplify this mess.
I was disappointed when Jon Stewart started taking shots at the President and comparing his phrases in speeches as a candidate to his words as President. For one, I did not think there was a disconnect. Hopeful language about what we can do if we work together is not the same as saying it will be easy.
In politics, and in life really, disappointment is a constant companion. The only tactic to take is to manage it by balancing anything against the possible.
I am happy. I am content. I trust the judgment of our President. I agree philosophically with his solutions.
Just because I am happy, however, does not mean I necessarily mourn the recent Republican victory in the House. All progress is met with backlash and resistance. It has political consequences. If you need any further proof that Health Care Reform was sweeping, look no further than the political fallout of 2010. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I hope it yields cooperation, but I will not be surprised if it merely bogs everything down. This is the equivalent of getting a piece of ice stuck in that stirring straw I mentioned.
My only concern is that the Republicans will now resort to endless investigations and subpoenas rather than taking this opportunity to be a part of the solution. That is that party's problem. I hope for the best.
Have you ever noticed how a politician's job seems to be heavy on TV appearances, campaigning, making speeches and supporting other candidates? Well, if you think about it, when exactly do they read these laws, contemplate votes or otherwise actually investigate the right thing to do?
Because they spend so much time in the campaign/political realm of the job, that's what we hear. The scary scenarios, the talking points and over-simplification. It happens every time.
It's possible the reason no one considers the actual merit of things is that no one talks about it.
I'm trying to give it some voice. One person's effort to admit being content.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
A Sorting of Books

I now unveil my rankings to determine "Joe's top five books of the year for 2010." Much like the Bowl Championship Series and its crowning of the college football champion, not all books are eligible for top-5 status and the playing field is as even as a spice rack made by a toddler.
I will rank my top-5 for the year and then lump most of the others in various categories. I'll try to comment at least briefly on each. I may yet finish another handful of books, so this list is subject to my final update at the end of the year. Unlike last year, I enjoyed almost every book I read. I think the overall quality of the books I read contributed to my new personal best.
So far, I have read 33 books this year, both obliterating my previous record and being destroyed by Book, who read approximately 582 books this year. Without further ado...
** Denotes a top-5 overall within its individual category.
I went on a real behavior science kick this year. I have changed how I operate on a daily basis because of these books.
** Predictably Irrational, by Dan Ariely (Kindle). This book set the standard. I loved this book. As you can see, it landed in the top-5. More on this book later.
Mistakes Were Made (but not by me), by Carol Tavris (Kindle). The next best book I read under this category, and a candidate for top-5. A phenomenal look at irrational behavior within the context of human interactions.
Sway, the Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior, by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman (Kindle). This book offered much less and repeated much of what I have read from Malcolm Gladwell and other behavior science books. This seemed like the "Cliffs Notes" version of the above-referenced books.
Voodoo Histories, by David Aaronovitch. (Kindle). Many people believe all sorts of conspiracies and take on leaps of logic with an "Evel Knievel" determination. The winner for most delusional? Those who dismiss "car accident" as entirely to simplistic an explanation for Princess Diana's death in a car while being chased by photographers. In short: The suspension-of-logic Olympics.
Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen Dubner (Kindle). A very good illumination of the counter-intuitive elements of life.
Super-Freakonomics, by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen Dubner (Kindle). A forced and inferior follow up.
I enjoy sports books. I was also desperate to fill my football gap with books. What else could I do? All my teams sucked this year. Every one of them have disappointed. I needed a crutch.
Loose Balls, by Terry Pluto. I covered this book in a previous post. Fun and hilarious.
The Book of Basketball, by Bill Simmons. I read it again this year because this book rocks!
The Jordan Rules, by Sam Smith. Great insight into Jordan's Bulls and their first championship season. I always enjoy books that track an entire season. I am always interested in the day-to-day grind of an NBA season. I remember this season vividly because I was emotionally invested in MJ's first title that year. I loved this team and appreciate how much goes on in a given season. I especially loved learning that Adrian Dantley (who ruined Denver's playoff run last year) was a cancer as a player as well! (I'm a bitter fan).
Blood, Sweat and Chalk, by Tim Layden (Kindle). I good history of the NFL and how offenses and defenses have evolved. I actually watch football with a better eye for having read this book.
Seven Games That Changed the Game, by Ron Jaworski (Kindle). Every bit as good as Layden's book. There was some overlap, but Jaworski's book included more back stories and snapshots in time. My only complaint? You can literally hear Jaws shout this book in your head while reading it. That gets old.
BadAsses, by Peter Richmond (Kindle). I still feel guilty for reading this while listening to Denver lose 59-14 at home to the Raiders. The book satisfied my need for a football book during a disaster season all around and my need to read about crazy people. Win-win.
If You Can't Join 'em Beat 'em, by Sal Maiorana (Kindle). A short oral history of the AFL. Formulaic, but informative.
** Memoirs of the Second World War, by Winston Churchill. Epic.
Last Words, by George Carlin. This book was in the works as an autobiography. It was published after Carlin's death. It was an interesting history of an all-time great comedian.
Mozart: A Life, by Peter Gay (Kindle). I posted on this book earlier. This was yet another book that satisfied my thirst for knowledge of emotionally-unstable people.
Live From New York, by Tom Shales and James Miller (Kindle). An oral history of SNL. A decent book, but mostly just a guilty-pleasure read about dirty laundry. The biggest problem was the number of key cast members who did not participate. Honestly, this book needed Eddie Murphy. Without him, it was fun. With him, it would have been amazing (I can only assume, but I think this is a safe bet). Oh, yeah... and Lorne Michaels needed a cigarette after this book was published.
Into Thin Air, by John Krakauer. (Kindle). Heather assigned this one to me. It was interesting to find out what thin air does to a person.
** Hellhound on His Trail, by Hampton Sides (Kindle). A gripping account. More below.
Game Change, by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann (Kindle). The inside story of the 2008 election. I blogged about this below.
Killing yourself to live, by Chuck Klosterman (Kindle). Klosterman travels to various locations where musicians met their end, but the book is really more about the journey and his musings. A fun read about a road trip.
Hitman, by Bret Hart (Kindle). I blogged about this one as well. A fun read about the train-wreck world of pro wrestling. Debauchery, etc.
**Guns, Germs and Steele, by J. Diamond (Kindle). A staggering work. More below.
The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larson (Kindle). Just a great read. I can see why this book was an international phenomenon. Throw in European sensibilities and its a unique fiction. I called the end, but the rest of the story was worth it.
The Forever War, by Joe Haldeman. Book assigned this one to me. It was interesting. This book was nothing like I expected, which isn't necessarily bad.
V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Gotta love V. For once, the movie was better. Still, a fun read.
**Animal Farm, by George Orwell. (Kindle).
Sh*t My Dad Says, by Justin Halpern. I laughed until I cried. I read this book at the exact right time. It was a perfectly-timed injection of comedy.
Earth (the book), by Jon Stewart. I laughed until I cried with this one as well. I am looking for a loophole to name this a top-5. Somehow, this book eclipsed America (the book). I cannot get enough Daily Show humor.
Montessori at Home, by Heidi Spietz. Jen and I are reading up on Montessori so that Jacob will not miss out on the philosophy while at home.
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, by Dave Eggers. I loved this book at times and struggled with it at times. By the midpoint, I was certain it was a top-5. It is described as "fierce," which it was at times. This was a late scratch from top-5. Had I read it later in the year, it may have been on the list. A unique style and a compelling story. It hit a little close to home a few times. I'll just call this book the "Boise State" of my BCS. Too bad Eggers wasn't part of the establishment or he would have been given a title shot.
Fargo Rock City, by Chuck Klosterman (Kindle). An entire book about 80s hair bands. I remembered so many of the bands and music videos, which was equal parts awesome and sad. Entirely too much analysis of canned music for my taste, but a fun read about music from a true fan. Although I never put more than 5 minutes of thought into the music described, it was strangely interesting to read about Klosterman's deep thoughts thereon.
IV, by Chuck Klosterman (Kindle). A collection of essays by one of my favorite essayists. As always, fun to read.
5. Animal Farm, by George Orwell. (Kindle).
I loved this book. In short, the animals at one farm rise up and take control. Everything is fine until the "new" leaders become the "old" oppressors. I loved how the pigs try to become human. This work was a great illustration of how things don't always improve when people get their way. I can't believe I waited so long to read this book.
4. Predictably Irrational, by Dan Ariely (Kindle).
After reading a lot of train-wreck accounts, I finally decided to look into irrationality as a whole. I tend to be more rational than the average bear and I genuinely do not understand why so many people are so comfortable making terrible decisions over and over. Through experiments, illustrations and study, Ariely proves that we are consistently and predictably irrational. Countless companies take advantage of our hyper-strong desire to get something for free. We will pay a lot of money to get even insignificant items so long as they are "free." He looks at how the mind consistently tricks itself and utilizes rationalization. One of the most helpful books I have ever read.
3. Hellhound on His Trail, by Hampton Sides (Kindle)
I blogged about this below. This book read like a thriller and takes the reader into the hunt for MLK by the FBI; then MLK by James Earl Ray; and finally, into the hunt for Ray after the murder. I love non-fiction, and if every non-fiction read like this one, everyone else would, too.
2. Guns, Germs and Steele, by J. Diamond (Kindle)
Diamond asks one of the boldest and most uncomfortable questions about human history: Why did certain societies and people progress faster than others? He answers that question definitively. Although his book was very, very detailed and thick with information, I think his conclusion is simple. The mass of information proves his simple conclusion conclusively in my mind. The difference? Chance. Geography. I am convinced that any group of people, if they began civilization at the Fertile Crescent, would have been the ones to thrive rather than suffer. This book was not always easy to read (and sometimes downright difficult), but it earned the Pulitzer it won.
1. Memoirs of the Second World War, by Winston Churchill.
What can I say. I felt like a fly on the wall during the planet's most destructive war. To read Churchill's first-hand account of the most seismic global war was a thrill. I read the abridged version of Churchill's six volumes, but the level of detail was extraordinary. He does not hide his version of events, but he makes no apologies for attempting to write history. I learned so much about events, emotions, day-to-day fears, setbacks lost in the greater story, politics at the breaking point when nations were at stake, and difficulty of making decisions of a magnitude I will never experience. Churchill maintained humor, wrote thoughtfully about amazing events, and did so with dignity and honor. This was the first book I read in 2010, and I knew even then that it was going to finish right here.
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