Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Clown-Shoes Ridiculous

I hate so much about this poisonous political climate right now that I don't know where to start.

The second presidential debate was on TV tonight and a bit of a tempest developed at a local church over the description of the religion of those candidates.  These two snapshots of our horrible political climate got me thinking.

To steal a phrase from my brother, all of it is just "clown-shoes ridiculous."  

The Debate

I did not watch the debate, and that was a conscious choice.  I purposefully avoided it for the following variety of reasons:

- I know the talking points and expressed philosophical bends of each party for this election.  Those will be repeated and argued, and points will be awarded for style, poise and delivery, which is like winning the bikini competition at a science fair.  

-  I am not interested in watching people argue.  I see that everyday and, thanks to our hyper-sensitive political climate, I can participate in an argument in the grocery store or anywhere else if I just chime in to any random conversation about politics.  I can also watch as others argue heatedly while I try to order my morning coffee.

-  Everyone will repeat their favorite zingers and replay this debate everywhere I have to go to function in life.  I will hear the same arguments everywhere from public toilet stalls to private cockfighting rings.  People will argue to hear themselves talk, and I will create frown wrinkles by the dozen.

-  No candidate is a danger to our country, and I am losing patience with claims otherwise.  These claims will, nevertheless, continue to be made after the debate as I grind my teeth to dust.  Big Bird will be fine.  Sharia law will never be U.S. law.  Settle down.