Not long ago, Book and I discussed politics at a Tuesday coffee night. That day, I had read an article in which Bush decided to veto a bill that would adopt the military's definition of torture into the CIA. Those standards would have forbade water-boarding, electrocution, beatings, sexual abuse, use of dogs and mock executions among other techniques the military has already condemned.
I asked Book that night, "who are we?" I really wanted to know that answer. Who are we as Americans? Are we torturers? Are we brutal? What do we believe? Do we care for each other?
Well, the 2008 election is when Americans will decide who we are from this point forward. And, I believe we should choose hope and optimism for the future by electing Barack Obama as our next president.
I am still reading "The Second Civil War" and my belief in the merits of compromise, bipartisanship and representation for Americans of all beliefs continues to deepen. I am learning that it was compromise that made Roosevelt, Reagan, Clinton and some select other presidents effective. It was the lack of compromise that doomed Wilson, Carter and W. Bush.
I have stated on these pages that I have felt unrepresented by my government for far too long. But, I believe Barack Obama will make ALL Americans feel like their voices will be heard. You can listen to his Iowa victory speech right here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=yqoFwZUp5vc
I implore you to listen to Mr. Obama. He will explain that he is trying to unite. That there are no Red or Blue States, but United States! Just listen to him. I would challenge anyone not to be inspired.
That is a refreshing message. He speaks with conviction, but not just for show. You can tell that he believes what he says. There is passion, and fire.

I spent much of my Holiday vacation researching the candidates. I had decided to pick a candidate before the Iowa Caucuses. I read web pages, found speeches on youtube and paid close attention to the newspapers. It was clear that one candidate stood above the rest. His subsequent victory was a welcome surprise and a validation of his message.
You can see that broad appeal for yourself at ganglylove.blogspot.com, where my long-time buddy and long-time Republican Chris actually caucused for Obama. See that link here: http://ganglylove.blogspot.com/2008/01/iowa-caucus.html.
I about fell over when I saw that Chris, of all people, beat me to the punch on public declaration of support for Barack Obama. But, that is exactly what I love about Obama. He appeals to ALL Americans. He can make conservatives feel welcome as well as liberals. We NEED that.
He won't run a campaign based on fear, but on hope. I believe that, when presented as an alternative to negative or fearful campaigns, the people will move toward the one who uplifts them.
At least one person I talked to today felt he had heard the next president of the United States speak. If you listen to Obama speak, you will see that he has what some call the "undefinable IT" or "the Gift."
The only concern I have - and this is not a concern about Barack Obama - is that many people in this country will not vote for a black candidate. Certainly, Obama is smart, bright, inspiring and everything good in politics. But, what people think when they are alone in a voting booth - away from the scrutiny of a public that shames stereotypes or racists beliefs - one can never say how some will vote.
With that in mind, I choose hope. I believe Obama is the candidate who will assuage fears and overcome preconceptions. I choose hope! And, I believe our country is capable of finding the best candidate. And his name is Barack Obama.

Right on Joe.
Misty and I are both Obama fans. I was leaning Edwards for a brief moment, but I'm pretty stoked for the "hope" candidate now. I think he's the right person for our moment in history.
I'll admit I had a bit of tribal loyalty going with Romney for a brief period. But that's pretty-much long dead now. Obama has my vote.
Obama is probably going to get my vote as well.
A friend of mine is the head of Republicans for Obama in Illinois. She turned me on to him and I have to say I have been very impressed ever since. We'll see how it plays out in the next few months.
HUGE win for Obama yesterday in S. Carolina. It really looks to come down to Super Tuesday.
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