Friday, October 17, 2008

B.S. delivered to my answering machine

I received the following robo-call yesterday.

"Hello. I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because you need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the pentagon, a judge's home and killed Americans. And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington. Barack Obama and his Democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country. This call was paid for by McCain-Palin 2008 and the Republican National Committee."

Now... I hardly know where to start. First off, I don't want that crap on my answering machine. It's a distraction issue, a wedge issue and a distortion. Anyone who pays attention knows why this "association" is a complete non-issue. But, the point I want to make is that this illustrates exactly what it looks like when a party is completely out of ideas.

I have been making phone calls and knocking on doors for the Obama campaign and our instructions are to emphasize the positive. If allowed to engage in conversation we are asked to relay a personal story of ours in the context of Obama's policies. My story is about my mom and my son. I talk about how my mom has been failed by our health care system and had to wait four years to have her knees replaced and now has a bowed femur as a result of a "pre-existing condition." I talk about how my son deserves to have a chance at an education. I talk about how Jacob's generation doesn't deserve to have to pay down George W. Bush's debt and that we need to reign in the budget. I also talk about how we need to reject the immoral policy of pre-emption and torture in our nation because I don't want Jacob sent into an unnecessary war or to be the victim of retaliation torture. Although the next president won't have Jacob to throw into a war, the very idea of pre-emption must end, and this is a step in that direction.

What do the Republicans offer? Associations. Accusations. Angry Mobs. Cries of anti-Americanism. Robo-smear calls. Rallies that apparently include torches and pitch-forks at the gate. I have also received the kinds of e-mails that give me chills.

Why is that all they offer? Because the party is out of ideas. For six years, they held all levers of government, and have held the presidency and it's veto pen for eight years. Only two of those years did the run-away train have a brake. We have been in a political standstill for two years while Democrats get vetoed into oblivion and Bush gets stonewalled. All will remain frozen until we have a new president.

The campaign has gotten negative. There is no doubt about it. And both sides have done some things they wish they could have back. But, only one side has displayed ugliness that could actually inspire violence.

When people in a crowd shout "terrorist," or "kill him," or "off with his head," or "treason," a speaker has an obligation to stop and set the record straight. McCain has done that, but Palin has not. It is disgusting.

This robo-call is just another attempt to whip up the emotions and fears of the populace. Look at the focus. Bill Ayers. Leftists. They aren't dumb enough to outright say communist like Senator McCarthy back in the 50s, but the same fear triggers are being pulled.

The RNC called tonight to talk to Jen and ask if they could count on her support. Her answer was just "no."

It's time to say no to appeals to fear. Ever since I announced on this blog that I would support Barack Obama, I said it's time to reject fear and embrace hope. The polls indicate that, by and large, the people are not convinced that a Kevin-Bacon-like association matters one bit when the 401K statement comes in the mail.

I respond to every hate-e-mail I receive and I always will. I am not shy about engaging anyone who wants to make these appeals to fear. In fact, as we get closer to the election, I'm almost looking for a fight.

It won't work this time!


palantyri said...

well, it's certainly stupid for them to robo-call. granted, that's an old technique, but this time thru it seems to have run it's course as acceptable. but of course, the same OUGHT to be said for the useless Obama text messages & emails. They're not any better, just different.

and there is a nugget of truth in there. this is the democrats opportunity to go overboard, with a super majority, and do some things that the general public doesn't support. 85% do not support card check, but the unions will force that thru in by the 2nd week of February. And one thing Obama hasn't said. He wants a tax cut, but he hasn't said he'll veto any tax increases the super majority democratic congress passes. Reid & Pelosi have a very strong chance of having as much power as Obama. That is worrisome, as they're both from the far left side of the aisle. they're the same as letting Pat Buchanan be the Senate Majority leader...

Obama may just get rolled by his own party.

Joe said...

Interesting issues. First, my understanding is that you have to have been a donor to Dems or the Obama campaign to get an e-mail. I'm not aware anyone else gets them. Let me know if you get them.

If John McCain robo-called my house without it being only about Ayers, I'd be fine with it. If he sends me an e-mail about his policies, fine. No problem.

The doomsday scenario of far-lefts running roughshod, I think, isn't as dire as you say. You are right that they have a chance to mess this up. However, on the heels of watching what election carnage follows letting that happen gives a lesson. Bush let the far right jam its initiatives through, and we've seen how that turns out. There is Republican political blood all over the place as a result of doing the 50% plus one strategy.

Obama is leading this race by enticing the moderates of both parties who didn't feel represented by the far right (I'll see your Pelosi and raise you Frist, McConnell, Lott and DeLay).

With such a broad-base of support, and then giving in to everything passed that undermines much of that would be stupid. Obama, you have to admit, is not stupid. He's way too politically savy for that.

No matter what Rs say, there is no agenda to instill socialism.

Conservatives had all the levers. They were given every chance. By all objective views, the population hates what they've done. Strap on and get ready for the ride. I had to sit here and steam for the last 8 years. I have no sympathy for those upset about having to sit by while my party gets its chance.

One difference, the Dems won't try to spread democracy militarily while cutting taxes, won't torture and won't subscribe to pre-emption. Even conservatives should be happy about that.