Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Voted

I don't get a sticker this year, but I don't have to stand in line either. I received my ballot a day or so ago and I took time to read up on the issues. I talked through the issues with Jen and voted via mail-in ballot this evening.

It feels good.

This is my first time using the mail-in ballot, and I don't think I will do it any other way again. It's really the way to go.

We are lucky in this nation that we have the right to vote and I encourage everyone to do his or her duty by being an informed voter.

Now I'm free to drive people to the polls, volunteer for the last-minute push and become a zombie as the returns come in on November 4. Our moment is now.

1 comment:

The Mama said...

We got our ballots yesterday, I can't wait to fill it out!

The thing on your previous post about Jacob saying "hurt eye" is hysterical. Gracie will absolutely lecture your ears right off about how Obama needs to win and McCain is bad. She takes the drama of the political commercials about 100000000 times stronger than necessary, but it's pretty cute.