-- The Football Fan's Manifesto, by Michael Tunison
-- Eating the Dinosaur, by Chuck Klosterman
-- Brothers Karamozov, by Fyodore Dostoevsky
-- The Book of Basketball, by Bill Simmons
-- The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown
-- Crime and Punishment, by Fyodore Dostoevsky
-- American Lion, by Jon Meacham
-- Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell
-- Seabiscuit, by Laura Hillenbrand
-- As They See 'Em, by Bruce Webber
-- Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell
-- Winston Churchill, by John Keegan
-- Boys Will Be Boys, by Jeff Pearlman
-- The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
-- Bowls, polls and tattered souls, by Stewart Mandel
-- How to Rig an Election, by Allan Raymond
-- The Breaks of the Game, by David Halberstam
-- Southern Storm, by Noah Andre Trudeau
-- The Watchmen, by Alan Moore
-- Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown
-- Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, by Chuck Klosterman
-- Me of Little Faith, by Lewis Black
-- Have a Nice Day, a tale of blood and sweatsocks, by Mick Foley
-- Ernie Davis: The Elmira Express, by Robert Gallagher
-- Born Standing Up, by Steve Martin
-- Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin
Books I've read in 2008 (24)
-- God in the White House, by Randall Balmer
-- Angels and Demons, by Dan Brown
-- The World Without Us, by Alan Weisman
-- Bearing the Cross, by David J. Garrow
-- Bringing Down the House, by Ben Mezrich
-- 1776, by David McCullough
-- Friday Night Lights, by H.G. Bissinger
-- Dreams From My Father, by Barack Obama
-- Ball Four, by Jim Bouton
-- Can I Keep My Jersey, by Paul Shirley
-- What Happened, By Scott McClellan
-- Against All Enemies, by Richard A. Clarke
-- Catch-22, by Joseph Heller
-- The Great Derangement, by Matt Taibbi
-- I May Not Get There With You, the true Martin Luther King, Jr., by Michael Eric Dyson.
-- '77, Denver, the Broncos, and a Coming of Age, by Terry Frei
-- The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court, by Jeffrey Toobin
-- The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama
-- Hatemail from Cheerleaders, by Rick Reilly
-- The Kings of New York, by Michael Weinreb
-- Turning of the Tide, by Don Yeager
-- The Second Civil War, by Ronald Brownstein
-- The Last Shot, by Darcy Frey
-- I am America (and so can you)!, by Stephen Colbert
WFFL Titles
My Bride
My little boy
Political discourse, enlivened by the convergence of various life experiences into one virtual town hall (or the place were I flush out some ideas, whatever's on).
My book would document the things most important in my life and give my son an indication of what made dad tick. Subjects would include: Family, lessons learned, interests, and political evolution that leads to what I hope will continue to be an evolving life outlook. I hope to cultivate such a narrative (in rough draft form) on these pages.
This weekend we took Jacob to a local water park and celebrated our 10th Anniversary. It was a wonderful weekend filled with wonderful weather. Here are some pics.
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