It started with a book signing in Denver, included my attendance at a dominating performance by the Nuggets at Pepsi Center, and ended with a unique opportunity for me to speak about health care reform with my representative for the U.S. House.
FRIDAY: The Sports Guy Meets Chuck

On Friday, Book, Tom and I all went down to Denver for a book signing by our favorite sports columnist, Bill Simmons. His new book, The Book of Basketball, is informative and hilarious. I have already read the book and it is a great read if you are an NBA fan.
His only egregious error was not including Carmelo Anthony in his list of greatest players. Still, the book was awesome and we were excited to meet Mr. Simmons.
Book and I brought our copies of the book, but Tom brought the best item of all. Simmons ranks Alex English the 65th best basketball player of all time. Simmons references the 1980s movie Amazing Grace and Chuck, featuring Nugget great Alex English, and calls it "hauntingly bad."
Well, Tom brought a VHS video of Amazing Grace and Chuck for Simmons to sign and we were all excited about this (we're dorks, I know). Dave then coined the phrase "everything is 70% more awesome when Tom is involved." And it stuck.
We arrived two hours early - OK, this is my fault because I am extremely anal about being early to things. We browsed for awhile and then got in line. We were among the first 20 in line, but had to get through the "bouncer" who we all agreed to be a jerk.
This very large, effeminate man with an Elvis hairdo was not happy we brought books purchased from elsewhere before coming to the signing. He proceeded to tell us how much work it was to put the event together and how "next time you should really consider buying a book here for these events." We live an hour away, the book came out last month and Simmons' website said outside purchases were fine. Big dumb Elvis didn't get the memo.
We discussed the Nuggets, made fun of androgynous Elvis and waited for the event to start. Simmons started by doing a short monologue about Denver sports, set some ground rules and started signing.
He signed "Bring back the Rainbow Jerseys" in my book as I requested. Book asked him to sign "I hate the Lakers too," in a tip-of-the-hat to our Laker-loving buddy Mike. Instead Simmons wrote "Don't worry, we all hate the Lakers." Then Tom asked him to sign his copy of Amazing Grace and Chuck as "Best NBA movie ever." Simmons obliged and then asked Tom "You don't really think that, do you? You know, I killed this movie in my book." Tom replied, "yeah, I know, that's why I asked you to sign it."
Like we all agreed, 70% more awesome. Thanks Tom.

SATURDAY: Melo Goes Hunting
Book and I went to see the Denver Nuggets play the Chicago Bulls at Pepsi Center on Saturday night. The highlight was watching Carmelo Anthony destroy Luol Deng.
I remember watching John Elway play as a Denver Bronco and feeling privileged to enjoy his unique talents. I've been going to a handful of Nugget games a year since Melo came aboard in 2004. Watching his progression has been amazing.
Against Chicago on Saturday, Melo showed a Michael Jordan-like fire. Luol Deng of Chicago dunked on Melo off a rebound. It wasn't exactly a facial, but Melo took it as such.
Melo then proceeded to destroy Luol Deng.
Melo searched him out. Melo about blew a gasket trying to deny Deng the ball on defense (and nearly took Joachim Noah's arm off in response to a pick attempt). He called for isolation on offense. Deng looked terrified and seemed to implore his teammates to help. I remember Deng parked in the corner waiting for a kick-out three and Melo playing off of him, but barking incessantly in Deng's direction.
It got to the point where switching didn't work because Melo would find him. So, with the game slipping away from Chicago, but still winnable, Deng was pulled. Really, it was the right call. Melo was absolutely ravaging him and the Bulls were better off taking Melo's target from him.
The result? Melo went for 30-11-7. Almost a triple-double. More important, he put his stamp on the NBA as one of its alpha dogs.
Melo has a beautiful jumper, can drive with the best of them, rebounds, and even plays inspired D when motivated. Best of all, he can now impose his will. Deng tore the Nuggets apart early, but was a battered, beaten heap by the end of the game. Melo had destroyed his confidence.
The Nuggets won in a romp and the house was rocking.
SUNDAY: Representin'
A week or two ago, I griped to the right ears about the health care reform vote registered by my congressional representative for CD4, Betsy Markey. She voted no, which upset me in a new way because I actually knocked on doors to get her elected. Somehow, that made her vote personal even though the bill passed (by a mere 5 votes). I voted for change, not another cradle-death for health care reform.
So, by an accident of fortuitous griping, I was afforded the opportunity to go to an event last week where she attempted to explain her vote. There were too many people there with too many soapboxes to get my specific questions answered, so I lamented the missed opportunity. I was not satisfied by the answer even though the reasons given were fair. I think I am just tired of kicking the can down the street.
I know that legislation is never perfect out of the box, but I believe that it must get out of the box if any real change is to happen. Legislation can also be fixed along the way.
My inside source, who was kind enough to inform me of the meeting, seemed to care that I get a better explanation. So, he had Ms. Markey call my office personally and invite me to another event scheduled for this Sunday.
I was caught off guard by the call, but I accepted the invite. I lamented missing another opportunity to get my questions answered, but was determined to have my say on Sunday.
Ms. Markey spoke to the crowd and then mingled. I nosed my way to the front and engaged her for a few minutes on the topic. She was very gracious, engaging and attentive. I was sure to let her know that I still supported her so that she would not be alarmed and then asked two very brief and fair questions. She was straight-forward in her response and answered my questions thoughtfully.
We won't always agree with how our representatives vote, but I believe Ms. Markey gives careful deliberation and she convinced me she is looking for real solutions.
I believe we will have the framework in place for long-term healthcare reform. I appreciate that my representative has been so diligent about hearing from her constituents.
It was one heck of a weekend.
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